Morphoquanttm The First Fully-Automated Morphometric Software For The Assessment Of Liver Biopsy, Reveals Significant Differences Between Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver And Steatohepatitis Biopsies

Authors: Cindy Serdjebi1, Bastien Lepoivre1, Florine Chandes1, Elaine Foster 2, Yvon Julé1

1Biocellvia, Marseille, France
2HistologiX, Innovation Building | BioCity Nottingham, Pennyfoot Street, Nottingham, NG1 1GF, United Kingdom

Cindy Serdjebi, R&D Director,

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the most severe form of fatty liver diseases, and no treatment has been approved so far. Among the reasons for this lack of valid pharmacological treatment, the subjectivity and variability in the pathology reading has been identified as a confounding factor, probably weakening the ability to assess a treatment effect. We have assessed the performances of the first fully-automated user-independent morphometric software (MorphoQuantTM) on liver biopsies.